日米学生会議(Japan-America Student Conference-JASC)は、日本初の国際的学生交流プログラムです。米国の対日感情の改善、日米相互の信頼回復を目指し、「世界の平和は太平洋にあり、太平洋の平和は日米間の平和にある。その一翼を学生も担うべきである」という理念の下、1934年に発足しました。

ジョージ・W・ブッシュ 氏
The United States and Japan continue close coordination on issues vitally important to each, as well as to the world. Those who preach hate and prey upon ignorance threaten civilization on all continents, and the United States appreciates Japan’s participation in the coalition against terrorism. To help ensure the defeat of global terrorism and related threats, we must continue our efforts to build a world at peace and with opportunity for all.Knowledge and learning remain crucial to the success of these endeavors. By promoting student exchanges, the Japan-America Student Conference contributes to international understanding and goodwill. I commend the Conference’s staff, participants, and supporters for strengthening the bonds of friendship between Japan and America. Your work enriches the lives of countless individuals and lays the foundation for a peaceful world.
As one whose own first involvement in Japan-U.S. relations was under the auspices of the Japan-America Student Conference in 1939, I can tell you honestly that it was one of the formative events of my lifetime. Having stood in your shoes more than fifty years ago, I sincerely hope that you will take full advantage of your participation in the JASC.
宮澤 喜一 氏
I had had little opportunity, in this post-war period, to meet and exchange views informally with Japanese people. The Japan-America Student Conference provided that opportunity, and from it came many valuable new perspectives on Japanese culture and society. It was also at that time that my interest was awakened in Japanese artistic and aesthetic traditions, and appreciation which remains with me to this day.
ヘンリー・A・キッシンジャー 氏