


“Upholding Dignity: Bilateral harmony through respectful dialogue”
尊厳を守る 〜敬意ある対話が紡ぐ日米の調和〜

第76回日米学生会議の参加者から選出されて発足した実行委員会が、日本側主催団体の一般財団法人国際教育振興会、米国側のInternational Student Conferences (ISC), Inc.の支援の下、本会議開催のための準備活動を本会議まで行う。


北原 真悠




北原 真悠
芸術文化観光専門職大学 芸術文化・観光学部

Sam Helman

The bilateral relationship between the United States and Japan is composed of many resilient threads, in which the Japan-America Student Conference stands out for its ability to bring us together as delegates, students, and friends. The conference serves as a platform for participants to come together to engage in respectful dialogue, understand diverse perspectives, and utilize our thoughts as tools for collaboration between our two countries.

From the beginning of our time together, to the very last day of the conference, I hope to witness the incoming delegation evolve into a vibrant community that recognizes the importance of each individual. I encourage you to exchange your ideas, not being afraid of disagreement or tension. Work through the challenges to create solutions that consider all perspectives, and present them effectively. Think back to the first Japan-America Student Conference in 1934, see the legacy of our combined efforts of over 90 years, so we can continue to bring our countries together.

A final topic to mention: friendship. In the conference, we have the privilege of getting to know so many wonderful people, impactful people who change the way we think, approach, and view each other. As your American Executive Committee chair, I encourage you to forge lifelong friendships that serve not only as a bridge between the United States and Japan, but as compassionate, resilient connections that weave together our shared experiences and aspirations.

Sam Helman
Wake Forest University
Politics & International Affairs and Japanese

第77回日米学生会議 日本側 実行委員

北原 真悠
北原 真悠(実行委員長)
芸術文化観光専門職大学 芸術文化・観光学部
佐藤 未羽
佐藤 未羽(副実行委員長)
東京大学 経済学部
赤瀬 朋基
赤瀬 朋基
学習院大学 法学部
石賀 悠
石賀 悠
早稲田大学 先進理工学部
小川 志穂
小川 志穂
東京外国語大学 言語文化学部
甲斐 聖人
甲斐 聖人
国際教養大学 国際教養学部
多田野 真仁
多田野 真仁
北海道大学 経済学部
野添 葉音
野添 葉音
上智大学 総合人間科学部